(Not to frequently asked cliched stuff but to those specific questions that must be dancing in your heads as you have wound your way through this site. So go on, read. And if you’ve still got some Qs then mail us. we’ll write back to you asap)

Why don’t we sell online?

Two reasons. First, how do you ‘fit’ a person into comfort without ever working with her body? Nothing, including algorithms and sizing apps can be substitutes for a personal sizing session with a trained girl. Second, the ‘returns’ and ‘exchanges’ that go hand in hand with online buying are unethical practices that we do not believe in.

(Have you ever wondered where the returned bras go?)

Why is a trial at our Stores a must?

For the same reason as above. A trained and experienced staff is best suited to help you try what’s best for you. You are under no pressure to buy. She is there to detail out the pros and cons of the style and size that you are opting for.

You do not want our staff to accompany you into the trial room. Is that possible?

Am afraid not. We’ve tried this and have seen that it works against both our interests. Until we are allowed to work with your body there isn’t enough satisfaction at either your or our end.

Do you need a prior appointment?

No, you don’t. Please walk in between Mon - Sat, 11am to 7pm. Trials are done strictly on a first come first serve basis. In an exceptional situation please call us and we will try and help. Thank you.

It’s not possible for you to visit Kolkata.
What do you do?

This one is a heart breaker. I am sorry there’s nothing we can do to help. We wish we could but we don't give half baked assurances. Not seeing you in person means risking your hard earned money and we aren’t comfortable with that at all.

Why are there no product pics on this site?

Precisely because we will not tempt you with good looking bras. Instead we’d like you to visit when you need a level of comfort that you’re not getting elsewhere. Rest assured, the bras look good too!

What is our price range?

INR 349 to 2999. The staff at hand will be only to happy to help you out with prevailing offers, if any.